Agile is on trend these days. Even the people who opposed agile in the past have now jumped on the bandwagon and actively campaign for going Agile while not always understanding what that means—and often inserting the same nonagile obstacles they have been practicing into their version of Agile audit. When adapting to Agile practices, it is essential to have, first and foremost, a set of principles and values and to understand what it is and is not. It is also helpful for audit departments that wish to become more efficient and deliver higher-value audits to learn practical tips for how to go about implementing Agile.
What Is Agile?
The Agile paradigm was created to be a revolutionary approach to IT projects1 that is used to deliver a rapid succession of fully functional, tested and accepted versions of a desired IT system, with each version containing more functionality. Therefore, it is not immediately clear if and how it is applicable to areas outside of IT projects. Although the purpose of writing software is to have a functional system that is satisfactory to the customer, neither software development nor auditee satisfaction are direct audit objectives. The board is not a customer that is likely to be involved in practical matters: It relies on audit, among other defenses, to stay informed of risk areas and practical ways to handling those. Yet audits are essentially projects, and Agile is about project management. Thus, it is plausible that some of the Agile concepts that have proven to be effective in project management may carry over to audit.
Agile Is Not Scrum, KANBAN or XP
Scrum, KANBAN and Extreme Programming (XP) can be Agile frameworks, but they are not by themselves agile. Agile is about principles and values. It is not a specific method, tool, framework, recipe or endorsement of some specific way of working. It is not about telling teams how to work or replacing existing red tape with certified Agile red tape. On the contrary, two of its principles are:
- Build projects around motivated individuals, meaning give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
- The best architectures, requirements and designs emerge from self-organizing teams..
One is Agile when one follows Agile values and principles, not when one follows a specific method or framework. For example, telling audit teams that they must use sprints, which is a Scrum term for short intervals of time (typically two weeks) during which a predefined set of objectives (functionality in software development or audit steps in audits) must be achieved, is not exactly following these principles. Some of the founders of the Agile Manifesto are proponents of Extreme Programming (XP)2 rather than Scrum. The reason organizations or audit teams should adopt a manifesto about principles and values in the very pragmatic world of businesses is that these principles and values have shown that they can have positive results.
Timely completion of a valuable product is a major requirement, both for IT software and audits (where the product is the report), and Agile is driven by the need to ensure that the valuable product is produced in time. Agile methodologies take this need into account. For instance, in Scrum, the project is split up in parts (sprints), and progress is checked daily. These progress reports for each individual team member must be brief so as not to distract from production activities and increase time spent. If an organization is using Scrum methodologies such as sprints, but for every sprint the team has to explain to a manager, who is not otherwise involved in the project, it may add extra time to the process, rather than making the process more efficient (i.e., involving extra layers of people who are not doing the actual work is directly opposite of agile principles). Agile methodologies per se will not make a process Agile, and they might even be counterproductive.
Supervisors should not be involved in the details of the actual audit unless they are part of the team.
Implementing Agile also means giving the team more freedom rather than micromanaging it. Principle 12 of the Agile Manifesto states that “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.”3 This means that while supervisors still play a role (e.g., setting the goals of the audit, removing obstacles, raising issues with higher levels of management if need be), freedom is transferred from supervisors to the teams. Supervisors should not be involved in the details of the actual audit unless they are part of the team.
Consider an example of Agile audit where the team is using Scrum sprints that consist of selecting and completing a number of subtasks and agreeing with the auditees on possible measures within a period of two weeks, then deciding on the next subtasks and new sprint. At the end of each sprint, the results are discussed with audit management and agreed on with the auditees, and then audit management decides what the next sprint will be. But that may not be the best course of action. First, sprints make the most sense for IT projects where the development team does not depend on external parties. For example, if a member of an IT development team takes on a task and promises to deliver a fully tested software with functionality X within two weeks, the team member has no other factors to consider except its own ability to deliver the promised functionality. No help is expected or required, including dependency on other parties. At most, one must have agreed to a set of specifications for any possible interfaces.
This is not the case for audits. For audits, to say that a subset of the audited areas in an audit will be completed in two weeks is not under the complete control of the audit team or necessarily productive. Unless the organization has automated processes to the extent that the auditor can access whatever data are needed and needs no information about what the fields are (very few organizations do, as there should be a single data owner, and it is not desirable to share responsibility for data), the completion of sprints is dependent on the timeliness of auditee cooperation.
In addition, one does not know how extensive the data analysis will be. This is a function of the perceived risk, which can be reliably evaluated only after the analysis. Of course, risk can and should be estimated during the walkthrough, but one should keep in mind that this estimate is more or less the auditee’s perception and often highly optimistic.
If a sprint is unable to be completed because the team is waiting for data or auditee input, the Agile solution is to work in parallel on the tasks that can be completed, regardless of whether they are a part of the current sprint or not; therefore, if a delay occurs in one of the audit subtasks, no time is wasted, as all the data have been requested to be delivered as soon as the need for them arises and the team works with whatever data it has at any given time, regardless of whether the data belong to a control tested in the current sprint. Needless to say, all data that are needed in the audit should be requested as early as possible, regardless of to which sprint they belong. If an organization wishes to be Agile in audit, it must embrace this flexibility. If the team is competent and motivated, it will optimize its time without needing to fill out paperwork documenting how much of activity X was completed in time frame Y.
This is a key difference between audit and software development. In software development, the team has full knowledge of what functionality will be programmed and can plan exactly how to implement that functionality. In audit, the team does not always know the end result, and the goal is stated in much broader terms: address the risk and effectiveness of controls in a specified area. On top of that, IT development teams in Agile projects are typically only working on one project at any given time. In audit, this is not necessarily the case and auditors may simultaneously be in two or more teams dealing with different audits.
Working with sprints typically implies putting in as much work as it takes to complete the deliverable by the deadline. But when one has multiple audits, negotiating strict sprints can become a problem rather than a solution: When one is immersed in a problem, switching in and out can take time to remember where one was and what one was doing. And what exactly is the sprint benefit? Agreed actions might start earlier? Typically, agreed audit remediation actions take a lot longer than a sprint time frame.
Also, if audit management is not involved in the actual audit, it should not interfere with defining how the team will work. In short, borrowing a framework from Agile and using it as the law does not make one Agile.
With Agile audit, teams no longer need to prescribe what they will check (and how) before seeing the data.
How to Become Agile
Although the environment differs for different organizations and there is no one-size-fits-all solution, the following set of guidelines may be useful for implementing Agile processes.
Setting the Goal
An organization, in this case an audit department,
should ask itself why it needs to become Agile and
what it is hoping to improve by becoming Agile. If
it is looking to become more efficient and increase
the quality of audits, then becoming Agile may be
a viable option. By reducing or eliminating red tape;
parallelizing tasks; and abolishing the strict tollgate
separation of planning, fieldwork and reporting,4
audits may be completed faster and focus on issues
of substance. With Agile audit, teams no longer need
to prescribe what they will check (and how) before
seeing the data. However, Agile is not a magic cure
that will fix all problems. For instance, if delays are
due to interorganizational disputes, having an Agile
audit process will not fully fix that. If delays are
overwhelmingly due to the difficulty of extracting data
from IT systems, Agile will not be the core solution,
but it can greatly improve process time by requesting
the data right away rather than when a complete
and approved audit program is in place. Once the
problems that need to be solved are determined, the
next steps are clear: Remove the stumbling blocks.
Competence and Motivation
Agile principles can help audit teams find ways to
remove these stumbling blocks to make audits faster
and more efficient.
For example, Principle 5 of the Agile Manifesto asks: Do we have a team that is competent and motivated? Do we attract the people we really want or what is left over? Agile does not work with teams that are not competent because there is too much guidance and supervision required. This is also noted in The Institute of Internal Auditors’ (IIA) International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, which state that “The extent of supervision required will depend on the proficiency and experience of internal auditors and the complexity of the engagement.”5 This does not mean that all team members must be equally competent in all aspects, but each member must be able to competently fulfill their tasks. Competence is a key component in the Agile Manifesto. Principle 9 specifically states that “Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.”6
Once a competent team has been established, the
organization must ensure that it stays motivated.
Should team members be rewarded in a material
way? Should their work quality be praised, or should
key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the
number of audits completed be used to evaluate
team and auditor performance? Evaluating quality
is typically much more complex than bean counting
indicators: If one evaluates a number of beans, the
focus will be on delivering more beans, not better
beans. Therefore, this is not an effective motivator.
Ultimately, it is ideal to have a competent team that
likes, takes pride and believes in the work they are
doing, and there are different ways of achieving this.
For example, drive-by audits (i.e., compliance-type
audits where auditors fill in checkboxes, without
going deeply in the issues7, 8) are likely encouraged by
those who reward quantity over quality—one does not
need agile to fill in checkboxes.
Agile Audit Management: Auftragstaktik
Auftragstaktik, which can be loosely translated as
mission or contract tactics, is a World War II German
military word that can be used to describe the Agile
approach. The highest level of command (e.g.,
generals) sets the objectives (e.g., take that hill) but
leaves the field operatives (e.g., the captain) to decide
the exact method of attack. Similarly, in Agile, audit
management sets the objectives (e.g., a security
audit on an organization’s virtual private network
[VPN], scope and resources), but the details, including
what areas to leave out as less material, are the
responsibility of a highly competent audit team. If the
team needs to get approval before each action, then
either the audit management should be part of the
team or the team should not use Agile audit.
Agile represents flexibility, and contracts are the exact opposite, as they represent agreements that are more rigid.
Auftragstaktik does not mean the audit team is alone in the field. Just as the captain may decide to ask for artillery or air support when attacking the hill, so can the audit team decide to require expert assistance or computing facilities. The choice of what is needed and when is made by the people in the field (e.g., the captain or audit team) rather than management, who are far from the field. Auftragstaktik also generally results in better decision-making, as the responsibility of failure is then on the captain or audit team and their decisions, rather than someone else. This gives teams a better incentive not to fail. It also results in better leaders by giving team members the opportunity to take more responsibility and make more decisions.
Is There a Role for Audit Management?
Some audit managers may dislike the freedom
agile audit brings to their teams, as they risk looking
obsolete. Ideally, audit management should involve
people with the competence to understand their
teams and whose main purpose is to quality check
their team’s results. The basic premise of Agile audit—
or any Agile project—is that the teams are competent
enough and trusted to fulfill their tasks without the
need for supervision. That said, management is not
likely to go away any time soon and there is ample
historical precedent for this. Indeed, the Manhattan
Project that produced the atomic bomb9 certainly
involved extremely competent and motivated teams,
but they still needed to be managed, both on a high
level and on the detailed design, where choices had to
be made regarding the actual implementation.
The roles of audit management include:
- To interface with the organization’s management— The audit committee typically prefers to have a single point of contact to retain some confidentiality. For instance, if management is concerned about a security issue in system X, this is typically not communicated to the entire organization, but the chief audit executive (CAE) should be aware of these concerns and direct the audit teams to that area. This remains a valid management function with Agile.
- To remove obstacles—Depending on the organization, auditees may give higher priority to requests coming from their supervisors than auditors. And their supervisors may give higher priority to requests from the CAE than auditors. This also remains a valid management function with Agile, but, depending on the organizational structure and culture, this could be performed by a lower audit management function, not necessarily the CAE, who may be invoked as a last resort.
- To act as an arbiter within the team—This can be beneficial, for example, when different approaches are proposed and not all of them can be pursued or during quality checks to ensure that a report is correct, is understandable and, in some cases, keeps the right political balance. This is not as pressing with Agile teams on a technical level because the teams can provide the quality control if they have ownership of the audit. Decision-making can be handled within the team, such as by the more senior auditors. Because the CAE does not always have the technical competence (particularly for IT audits), this may actually be necessary.
- To staff and train the auditors—Since Agile audit in particular relies heavily on auditor competence, ideally the CAE or a similar audit manager needs to be able to hire and train staff accordingly.
When Not to Go Agile
Agile is not always the answer. Agile makes little sense for inexperienced auditors or auditors who lack technical competence. In addition, a common stumbling block of going Agile is contracts and legal obligations. Agile represents flexibility, and contracts are the exact opposite, as they represent agreements that are more rigid. For instance, if different legal entities participate in a project and are being paid according to man days spent, then Agile becomes problematic. The audit team typically does not have control over such budgetary issues; therefore, it can be difficult to implement Agile with teams comprised of personnel from different legal entities.
Some cases have claimed to be Agile in areas dominated by contracts, such as procurement.10, 11 Procurement is, in principle, a very nonagile area because contracts are typically involved. A fixed price has been agreed for delivering a fixed and agreed functionality, and delivering a fully satisfactory product is too vague to be on the contract, as it represents a potentially limitless vendor liability. Therefore, Agile procurement is actually Agile within constraints. Organizations can be more or less Agile within given constraints, and in the case of procurement, this may refer to the use of procurement teams (i.e., creating small teams of experts from different divisions instead of different divisions working independently)12. It should be noted that this is sometimes more of a label.
Another more Agile label with regard to procurement could be cost-plus contracts (i.e., contracts that charge the actual costs incurred plus a margin for profit). Such cost-plus contracts enable a measure of agility in that team members who are a part of their vendor have an incentive to focus on producing a quality product and being open to improving the initial specifications or design, knowing that their efforts will be rewarded. This flexibility would not be the case for a fixed price contract; however, the cost of the end product can significantly exceed the forecast. Being fully Agile is not always a realistic option.
Another case where Agile is very unlikely to bring benefits is compliance audits (i.e., audits where the current situation is compared directly with an ideal situation and exceptions are raised only if they differ, regardless of the materiality of the difference or the efficiency), because there is little initiative and few decisions that the team need to make. High-level competence is also typically not required; hence, flexibility is not as important.
Audit does not work in a vacuum. Audit teams must collaborate with the rest of the organization. According to Principle 4 of the Agile Manifesto, “Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.”13 Yet this is not effective if the auditees need to get approval for every answer they provide. In short, having an Agile island in audit, when the rest of the organization is nonagile, undermines the effectiveness of Agile.
Having an Agile island in audit, when the rest of the organization is nonagile, undermines the effectiveness of Agile.
As audit departments strive to become more Agile, it must be understood that this is not an end in itself but a means to become more efficient and deliver higher value. This is achieved when there is a clear view of what the organization is trying to improve and how Agile can aid that effort. Merely copying or following an Agile framework without understanding and adopting the underlying principles and values does not make audit Agile, and, in some cases, it can have the exact opposite effect of the goal of Agile. Anything that is impairing the audit efficiency and effectiveness is an obstacle to agility. Agile audit is simply identifying and removing—or at least lessening—the adverse effects of obstacles.
Steps to removing such obstacles and becoming Agile include:
- Recruiting or training highly capable auditors
- Keeping the auditors motivated
- Removing all nonessential red tape, such as strict tollgate separation (planning, fieldwork, reporting)
- Allowing the auditors to do their job without unproductive constraints and providing help when needed
- Refraining from blindly adopting an Agile framework unless a case can be made for how specifically that framework will affect efficiency and effectiveness. If such a framework is adopted, it is important to ensure that the perceived gains are realized.
1 Beck, K.; et al.;“Manifesto for Agile Software Development,” 2001,
2 Agile Alliance, “Extreme Programming (XP),”
3 Op cit Beck
4 Alexiou, S.; “Agile Audit,” ISACA® Journal, vol. 2, 2017,
5 The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, USA, 2016,
6 Op cit Beck
7 Chambers, R.; “Drive-By Auditing: Don’t Be Guilty of ‘Hit and Run,’” Internal Auditor, 2 August 2012,
8 Berkowitz, A.; R. Rampell; “Drive-by Audits Have Become Too Common and Too Dangerous,” The Wall Street Journal, 9 August 2002,
9 Atomic Heritage Foundation, “Leslie R. Groves,”
10 GEP, “Agile Procurement—Going Way Beyond Traditional Procurement,” 22 April 2019, %20is%20based%20on,that%20need%20to %20be%20procured
11 Spiller, P.; “Better for Cost, Talent, and Customer: Agile Procurement at A1 Telekom Austria Group,” McKinsey and Company, 16 July 2020,
12 Ibid.
13 Op cit Beck
Spiros Alexiou, PH.D., CIS A, C SX-F, CIA
Has been an IT auditor for a large enterprise for the last 14 years. He has more than 25 years of experience in IT systems and has written numerous sophisticated computer programs. Alexiou can be reached at